A Quick Trip to Manila …

Generally, I don’t post links that will result in your departure from this site. But this one is different. For some time now, I have been following Francis Chan. Chan is a teacher, a missionary, an evangelist, and most importantly the product of a fascinating personal evolution. Over the past ten years, Chan has progressed from the kind of thing you will see here (which he does very well), to planting in-home churches and ministering to the poor and homeless in San Francisco. He has rediscovered the power of the Bible; stated simply, it is the Word of God. Francis Chan is a powerful presenter. Break out your earbuds and give this a listen. You don’t have to watch it. I have listened to Chan for probably one hundred hours, and I only occasionally glance at the video.

So … stow your carry-on, fasten your seat belt and touch here for a (very) quick flight to Manila!

And, don’t forget to take the return flight when you’re finished. Please make visiting my site a habit!