Back to the emerging situation. We now have Man (God’s creation) and Lucifer (the fallen angel) both inhabiting planet earth. Let us contemplate their attributes. Christians view “God” as pure spirit. Lucifer (Satan), as a fallen angel, is also spirit. Christianity sees man as possessing two very distinct characteristics; a finite physical component (our short-lived physical body), and an eternal spiritual component, which we refer to as man’s soul. Notice that man is unique, he is a duality consisting of both the physical body and a spiritual soul. This invites a quick look at two prominent perspectives. Science seeks to define man’s consciousness, his sense of self, as something that can be explained solely in the realm of neurophysiology. Christians, on the other hand, believe that there is something larger going on; they believe that the explanation of consciousness and our sense of self is rooted in the existence of an eternal spiritual soul.
I would not be writing this, had I chosen not to believe in God’s Divinely inspired message to us, the Bible; I would like us to go there for a moment. In the book of Matthew, Jesus himself says this,“ … fear not them that kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul; but rather fear him that is able to destroy both soul and body in Hell.” This verse gives credulence to the eternal nature of the soul (Jesus tells us that it cannot be killed, it does not die). It also addresses what is coming in the following paragraphs, the spiritual undoing of man, by the one for whom hell was created.
When Satan arrives, God’s creations, Adam, and Eve are living sinless lives, in perfect surroundings and communing daily with God their creator. He has assigned them tasks (providing purpose) and has made only one simple rule; they are to refrain from eating fruit from just one tree in their environment. That tree was known as the “Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil.” Enter Satan, the one who can destroy both the body and the soul … How many of us know someone whose ruined life, might be attributed to Satan’s work, subverting both their body and capturing their spirit?
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