I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven Photo by Pixabay

The answer lies in an unlikely place … heaven!  As it turns out, heaven was the birthplace of an angel named Lucifer; who we now refer to as Satan.  Lucifer held extremely high rank in the heavenly government. His name has been interpreted as both “The morning star” or “the shining one.”  We are told that Lucifer was incredibly beautiful, powerful, and worked directly for the creator, but, Lucifer had a problem. Here we have an angel, working in the very presence of creator God, who begins to see himself as the one to be worshiped; rather than someone who, himself, should be worshiping his Boss, Who just happens to have created the universe.  Lucifer’s pride is discovered, and he is ejected heaven. He was accompanied by about one third of heaven’s angles … his followers … and yes, today they are the demons who prompt all dishonesty, theft, lying, cheating, homicide, and hatred.  For reasons that I do not know, Satan was thrown to earth, arriving with an avowed hatred for God in his heart. Upon his arrival, Lucifer also despised God’s creation (man), and set about to destroy him.  As an afterthought, let me speculate that Satan might have been put here to provide a means for testing man’s free will; to give him (man), God’s own creation, alternative choices, an alternative to God.

At this point you may ask, where am I getting this? let me take a minute and explain. It comes from the “inspired Word of God.”  You see, if we are going to consider Christianity, we simply must refer to the Christian’s “Holy Book”, the Bible. Take a moment and look here at my post concerning The Bible: https://youmeandalifetime.net/2022/03/10/the-bible/. In it, I give you some of the reasons why I am comfortable with the Bible’s authenticity.  

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