I am going to move on now, with the expectation that you are, at least for the sake of this argument, willing to accept creation as an overarching “first cause,” that is, the cause that brought about both the universe and sentient man.

Eden … Photo by Mike from Pexels

It occurred to me this week, that the period between man’s creation and his “fall”, that is, the point where sin is introduced into the world, is often overlooked.  During that time, man is without sin; the world is without sin.  Man’s need for food, purpose, and a place to live have been provided by God Himself. Man’s physical body was designed to endlessly regenerate itself and live painlessly forever.  Perhaps most importantly, God was interacting with man directly. The Bible suggests that God visited with his new creation daily.  Think about that!  This implies that we were designed to be companions for God Himself, to have our needs satisfied, and to possess a physical body that would last Indefinitely.   There is little information as to the length of this period but, in it, Man was fully aligned and totally interactive with his creator. Why would man choose to do anything else?

To Continue, touch the number 7 below …