The New Testament (or, the new agreement)

For Christianity, the New Testament is where God’s plan to rescue his fallen creation goes into action.  Let’s do some review:  The New Testament is a New Covenant or, a new agreement between God and man.  In the Old Testament, we saw God create sinless man.  Because God is holy, and therefore sinless, and so long as man was also sinless, they could freely interact with each other. Original man was very likely also designed to last forever … but … for man to be fully autonomous, he had also to be allowed the exercise of freewill.  Perhaps to provide man with some options, God also allowed a fallen angle, Satan, to inhabit planet earth. Then, as now, Satan hated both God and His creation, man.  He tempted man with the idea of having all knowledge, with knowing as much as his Creator and man succumbed to the offer. In so doing, man did indeed gain a bit of knowledge, he learned that disobedience (sin) would separate him from God.  Once man had sinned, God and man could no longer interact in a one-on-one fashion; God was holy and man was not.  In response, God established the Old Testament, or the old agreement with the relatively few men who desired to follow Him.  Through Moses, He established the Jewish law, which included the idea that man would be required sacrifice something both flawless and valuable to obtain forgiveness for his sins.

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