Now, there is one other very significant thing going on in the Old Testament. Biblical authors (inspired by the Holy Spirit) wrote detailed descriptions of things that would happen in the future, these predictions are called prophecies. Let’s look at some of the simplest of these. In them, we learn that Jesus will be born in Bethlehem, that he will spend time in Egypt and will begin his public ministry upon his return. We learn that Jesus will have a forerunner (John the Baptist), that Jesus would teach in parables, and be betrayed for 30 pieces of silver. Prophesies told us that Jesus would be killed, but that none of his bones would be broken (something very unusual in Roman crucifixion), that they would pierce his hands and feet and cast lots for his clothing. All of these prophecies came true, exactly as foretold. Let’s look at another Bible prophecy that has played out in our own era: Prophecy foretold that the Israeli people would become their own nation state. This prophecy was fulfilled as recently as May 14th 1948, when today’s nation of Israel came into existence.
Christians believe that Biblical prophecies are a means of authentication that God, through inspired writers, has built into the Biblical text. To date, Biblical prophecies have come to pass exactly as foretold. So, you ask, what’s coming next? Yet unfulfilled prophecies predict that Jesus will return (the second coming), and that every man and woman who ever lived will stand in front of God and be judged. One of the things that inspires me to write these very words is that I do not want to any of you to stand in front of God, as an unbeliever, and come up short at the great white throne judgement. Biblically prophecy has been fulfilled to the letter, and I truly believe that God’s judgement will happen exactly the way that the Bible says that it will. Prophecy also tells of a new heaven and a new earth that will, one day, be inhabited by Christian believers. There is no reason to believe that won’t happen. The key thing to remember here is that fulfilled prophecy authenticates God’s word.
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