
Now, I would like to make another observation. Note that, after God promised Abraham a land for the Jewish nation, it was 500 years before the Jews set foot on that homeland. Note that … God said it would happen and it did happen … but it happened in accordance with God’s timetable. It then took another 1,731 years before the birth of Jesus. From the very beginning, God promised that man’s rescuer would come from among Abraham’s descendants and, in God’s time, He did. Today, 2,000 years have gone by since Jesus’s birth, death, and resurrection, and again, we have a promise; we are promised the resurrection of the believers and a second coming. There are many who look at Christianity and say, this is “old news”. This person, Jesus, lived two thousand years ago, how can He be relevant to what is happening today, or in the future? I direct you to God’s idea of a reasonable time interval; five hundred years to the promise land, one thousand seven hundred and thirty-one years to the birth of Christ. Two thousand years is a very reasonable length of time for our current pause. In Christian terms, the past 2,000 years is referred to as the Church Age; a time when Christians are directed to get the word out; to reach the world with the news of Jesus. Instead of casting doubt, I think the existing examples of God’s timeline add credibility to the Christian’s expectation that there is more to come.
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