How does one go about believing in a spirit God while living in a physical world where that God is mocked, and His followers often belittled and made fun of? You might even ask, “why bother to believe in something like that at all?”
I am going to jump way ahead now and give you an answer that, at this moment, I suspect you may not believe and perhaps cannot conceive of. One seeks to believe because we were created by that spirit God. Further, we were created to have a relationship with Him and, in so doing, to find harmony and peace that can come only from our Creator. Think of it as taking a Ford to a Ford garage … they understand it far better the Subaru garage down the street. Peace, in this concept, does not mean never encountering trouble; what it does mean, is having a powerful mechanism to deal with that trouble, when it comes.
Now, I fully expect many of you are boiling over with skepticism. It is important for you to know that I have been in your exact position myself. What I hope to do in this section, is to point you in a direction that will address your skepticism; over a period of approximately one year, mine was completely put to rest.
I hope that you are equipped to listen to audio clips. This clip provides a quick overview of where I have been, where I am, and how I got there. It will serve as a starting place for this page.
Above Photo by Elijah Hiett on Unsplash
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