How to use this site
How the Site is Organized (this is important in helping you find things):
The Main Menu (across the top) leads you to more lengthy material (these are published as pages).
The Side Bar Menus refers to posts and categories. Posts are short one liners that express values or some truth that I have discovered. Those identified as “Local Produce”. They were written by me. If you quote them, please credit this site. If you use them in your life, then the effort expended to build the site was worthwhile. The category “Quotes” are things written by others. If you quote then, please credit the author.
Starting Places:
Faith: To find material about how I approach my Christian Faith, Start here:
Thoughts and Observations (written here): Most of the time these are taken from my daily diary entries. Start Here:
Quotes: There aren’t too many of these. If you pass these on, please credit the authors. Start here:
Feral Cats: I’ve been rescuing and rehabilitating feral cats for several years. it is a very real way to make a difference. Not a huge on, of course, but a humane and meaningful one. Start here (note that this entry is many pages deep; find “There’s More” at the bottom of each page). Start here:
My thoughts on faith and feral cats are posted as Pages. They will always be indexed at the top of the Navigation Menu found across the top of the Home Page.
There may be other (post) categories added from time to time, just look at the category menu and select anything that you think might interest you.
Opinion? Sure, what you see and hear here is opinion, but those opinions are based on what I’ve learned in life. They were built on the solid foundation of life experience. I just needed to get that out here somewhere.
Note: Everything on this site is a work in progress. Please check back as each topic matures!