The most vitally important pages on this site address my Christian faith. They are indexed in the main menu (across the top of the home page). Why should I undertake to author these pages, you ask? Some of you were invited here … you know me personally.  You may have known me for many years, or perhaps, for my entire lifetime.  You have seen me at my worst and right now, the word “hypocrite” may be forming somewhere in the back of your mind. Alternately, you may be saying, “Everybody does this when they are old”.  Well, let me tell you the whole story, so you have the facts straight.  I began life in a Christian home.  I was exposed to the concepts of Christianity at an early age and, like most kids, I fell in line and believed what my elders expected me to. 

Photo by  Alberto Casetta

You may know too, that by the time I hit thirty, that solid start was seriously eroding….  

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