The Answer to Everything …

What did God have in mind when he created us? First, there is just one precondition for this discussion, you must believe that God is indeed our creator. And that, as our creator, God has the right to test us and to judge our performance.
Now, let’s look at what God was thinking when He put you and me on the earth. First, in what seems like an unlikely move, God created man on the same planet to which he had recently banished one of his highest-ranking angels, Satan, or simply, the Devil. Now why would God co-locate something that He cherished, his creation, man, with someone that hated God and was certain to hate and wish to destroy anything that God had made? I suspect that He did it, so that man would have plenty of choices to go along with his God given free-will. And, why give us choices? Because God wants to know what each of us will ultimately do with Him, and over our lifetime, He gives us many opportunities to decide. Let’s look at some typical options. Most people will lust for wealth, status, and material possessions, long before they will lust for a relationship with God. They will give travel, recreation, and a comfortable retirement priority over understanding God’s promises, living God’s Word, supporting God’s church, or sacrificing anything in God’s name. Few will desire a closeness to their creator, few will seek an active role in His kingdom.

What if I wanted to change my direction? For that, we simply exercise free will. We take advantage of the rescue plan that God made available to everyone. If you are one who feels a desire for Him, let’s look at God’s plan. It is simply to believe in Jesus, God’s Son, who became a one time for all time sacrifice for man’s sin. Why a sacrifice, you ask? At the time that Jesus lived, sacrifice was an integral part of the Jewish law. For thousands of years, Jewish law had directed the repetitious sacrifice of flawless animals to simply “cover man’s sin”. God’s plan included the one-time sacrifice of His perfect and flawless Son, Jesus, not just to cover our sins, but to “completely cleanse us of them”. God offers true freedom to all who believe and are truly repentant. The central concept in Christianity is to believe in Jesus, who died to forgive us of sin, rose again to represent us to His Father, and to direct our forever future.

What did God have in mind when He created us? Simply this: That of all the mass of humanity that would ever inhabit the earth, relatively few would have a true desire for Him. He made the way, and He gives us all the choice. He most certainly knew that His plan would separate the sheep from the goats, the wheat from the chaff. Daily, He is gathering those who desire Him to Himself. And, He will be satisfied with the few, so long as they are the ones who truly seek a closeness with Him. In essence, He is permitting us to sort ourselves. Our response to God’s plan, is what the whole of your life, and mine, is about.
For an overview of Christianity (for the skeptic) look Here.