Where this comes from …

I recently bought an item on eBay.  There was an upgrade option, and once I had the basic product, I knew that I wanted the better one.  As a result, I’ve had several conversations with the vendor.  In each one, either he or his wife has ended the conversation, with the single word, “Blessings.”  Yesterday I asked him about it, and I learned that they, like me, are Christian believers.  I also learned that, as an avocation, they are missionaries to needy kids in a Colorado “gambling town.”  That led me to a look at their website and their YouTube offerings.  In a word, I was wowed!  They are blessed with something that I couldn’t have dreamed of; the ability to put things together that will attract kids, in this age when kids are so terribly misinformed.  More than that, they share my interest in apologetics, scientific and physical fact that leads toward a belief in God, instead of away from it. 

Last night, I realized how truly “amateur” this site is.  I questioned my approach, “is this therapy for me, or an outreach to you?”  I questioned my openness and my lack of formal training in any of the subjects that interest me.  In short, I questioned the utility of this entire effort.  This morning, I woke up with the answer. I think the real question is, “who is your audience, and how much do you have in common with them?”  What have you experienced that you can share? Yes, that was it.  This site is about experience, and I pull no punches.  Experience is a hard teacher.  And who is my intended audience?  It is typically going to be adults.  Imperfect adults, just like me.  Adults who have been steeped in science and scientism, to a point where faith becomes an unlikely option.

So, step out of the way.  I am, in fact, renewed.  In my world, time is precious, but I just happen to have several ideas that have been brewing for several weeks now.  I must sit down and write them up. The wizard that I met, also suggested that I try making shorts for YouTube. I can envision that.  So, if you happen to identify as my audience … stick around, I don’t think we’re finished just yet!